დანადგრის აღწერა
150 door frames / 8 hours capacity
Automatic adjustment is present for saw blade diameter, grooving milling size & for tightness of joints
CNC control
Production time is 20 seconds for single and 28 seconds for double frame door frame.
Only 3 dimensions input is enough for door frame production.
დანადგრის მახასიათებლები
Max. Frame Thickness
50 mm
Max. Frame Width
320 mm
Min. Frame Width
100 mm
Milling Motor Power
3 kw 6000 rpm
Milling Diameter
220 mm
Saw Blade Motor Power
2.2 kw 4000 rpm
Saw Blade Diameter
200 mm
Machine Settlement Sizes
1400x1550x1550 mm
Net Weight
420 kg